So, after having my Europe trip til the beginning of this year, I'm now having another 'vacation', umm, not too far from my house actually. It is still in the same town as where I live, in Blitar. However, the life I'm having in here... you can say, it's pretty different!
Well, talking about this 'vacation', its not exactly a vacation. I'm having a 5-week-community service program right now, which is one of the prerequisites to graduate in my school. But calling it a vacation is not too wrong either. In fact, I just went to one of the beaches that surround us here.
The beach is called Jebring. This beach is actually not too far from our place, but the thing is it just takes out all of your adventurous side. The road is rough. Describing it with 'rough' is not enough I think though. Besides broken asphalt roads, its basically just pointy rocks being put together as one extremely rough road. And the fact that it is all about going up and down hills just adds up to the whole situation. It just scared the heck out of me, I kept holding on with both of my hands tightly on our entire way there. And prayed to God to keep me alive. :P
However, once we got there, I instantly forget how rough the road was. The beach was really beautiful, even though the big and ferocious waves were kinda scary.
However, this beach seems to be overly exploited for its ironsand. Ironsand itself is 'a type of sand with heavy concentrations of the metal iron' (Wikipedia). The government (or the company??) seems to be doing some beach reclamation efforts now. However, it just seems really sad to me, this is one beautiful beach, but they just ruined it like that.
It was just such a great feeling for me to be there, it was gorgeous. I just hope that this ironsand mining will be in some appropriate control, so the beach wont be ruined. And then, on my way back home... oops, I forgot: gotta go through the rough road again! -____________-''
Ps: sorry for the bad quality of the pictures. I took them with my ipod, since my camera just got broken. Well, this will do for now! ;)